Fixing automatic suspend for Linux Mint 17.1 (Cinnamon)

I’m not sure how widespread this problem is, but I notice at least two other people seem to be having a similar issue. The problem is as follows:
You set a time for automatic suspend in the power menu, but after that duration, your computer doesn’t actually suspend. Nothing else is affected – manually suspending/resuming works fine and shows no errors.

The fix is actually very simple. Credit goes to “akspecs” on the Linux Mint forums for posting this, and probably a lot of other people before that.

First, you need to install dconf-tools:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dconf-tools

Next, launch dconf-editor, either from the menu or by pressing alt+f2 and typing

You need to navigate your way to org.cinnamon.desktop.sesson, that is,
org > cinnamon > desktop > session
and change the value of idle-delay from 0 to whatever your display timeout setting is (default: 600).

Screenshot of mentioned setting

This is what you need to change to anything other than 0.

That’s it. Automatic suspend will function again. Hopefully this saves someone several hours of frustration.

Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 Automatic Suspend fix

Note: If you’re looking for a way to fix Mint/Cinnamon, with a similar problem, see:
[this post].

The problem:
Your computer won’t automatically suspend, despite setting a time in the Power menu.

This menu does nothing at all.

This menu does nothing at all.

The solution:
gksu gedit /etc/systemd/logind.conf
Edit these two lines, like so:


Change the 20min to whatever you want. Reboot and everything is gravy!
